The Importance of Estate Planning

Planning. Protection. Peace of Mind.

Estate planning for ourselves and our loved ones is something we all can do to prepare for the future and protect our assets. It enables you to plan for care if you become sick or incapaciated, and ultimately to make sure that your final wishes are fulfilled and your assets are distributed as you intended. This planning often consists of Last Wills & Testaments, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Powers of Attorney, and Living Wills. In addition to creating a plan, however, it is important that your Power of Attorney, Executors, Trustees, surviving spouse and heirs know that there is a plan and more importantly where that plan is located.

Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd., has prepared a handy booklet called Moving Forward to help you collect and organize your information and important documents.This booklet is meant to assist your loved ones. By filling this out, you can provide them peace of mind.

For All Life’s Legal Matters.

At Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd., we focus on helping individuals, families and business owners address and resolve their estate planning, elder law and business law concerns. Our law firm’s narrow focus enables us to craft sophisticated solutions to some of the most complex legal problems. We listen to your concerns, thoroughly explain the legal issues involved, outline your options and find practical solutions that meet your unique situation. 
